Below are our 2024 Single Man Match Play (SMMP) rules.

Sign-ups for the tournament begin February 1st. Cost is $100 per player. There will be no consolation bracket this year.

Pairings Party: Thursday, March 14 at Heritage Golf Club from 6-8PM

  1. The first 64 players registered AND paid will be in the 2024 Match Play Championship. PayPal or Venmo

  2. You must be a member of the MGC and 18 years old in order to participate.

  3. Maximum handicap: 18. 

  4. All matches are expected to be played on weekends, or if convenient for both players, during the week. If your schedule does not allow for weekend match play, you cannot participate in the SMMP.

  5. All players will be seeded 1-64, based on your Heritage club handicap index as of 3/1/24.

  6. You will be expected to play one match per month starting in April. If issues arise that need arbitration, please contact either Nick Tofolo or Doug Woods.

  7. Should any match not be played during its scheduled calendar month, the winner will be determined by a coin flip.

  8. On the day of each match, the current Blue Tee club handicap will be used to determine the difference (strokes given or received) for the match. HANDICAP DIFFERENTIAL: Using your current handicaps on the day of the match, take the difference between the two numbers and multiply by .9 to arrive at stokes given or strokes received. Round up at .5.

    1. NOTE: players 70 years or older may play the White tees during their match, using their current white tee handicap. HANDICAP DIFFERENTIAL: Using your current handicaps on the day of the match, take the difference between the two numbers and multiply by .9 to arrive at stokes given or strokes received. Round up at .5. 

  9. All match results should be communicated to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., MGC CTO, so the bracket and website can be updated.

  10. USGA rules apply during all matches; NEW local rules used during all Heritage Tournaments will also apply for the Match Play and all MGC events.

  11. Many matches may be played within the Friday, Saturday, or Sunday groups, so the match participants should have priority on or around the greens so as not to give an advantage to either match participant.

  12. Any ruling issues should try to be resolved within the group, but if that is not possible, play two balls, record both scores, and resolve the issue after completion of play.

  13. Payouts

    1. Sweet 16 - $100 each
    2. Elite 8 - $150 each
    3. Final 4 - $250 each
    4. Last 2 - $500 each
    5. 1st Place - $1200, 2nd place $400
    6. 1st place total - $2200, 2nd place total - $1400
    7. Total payouts - $6400

  14. Overall Revenue – 64 X $100 = $6400